Modern Slavery Statement

Fluent is a values-driven company, and we strive to uphold the highest standards of honesty and integrity in all our business practices.

As long-time collaborators of Hope For Justice and the Slave Free Alliance, Fluent believes in protecting the human rights of the most vulnerable members of society. We condemn modern slavery and human trafficking in all its forms and support the effective abolition of child labour.

In accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015, we are absolutely committed to ensuring that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in any part of our business or our supply chain.

Outside our company, we provide pro bono expertise and support to organisations who exist to champion human rights and bring an end to modern slavery.


Organisational structure

Fluent is a small software and development company based in Cambridge, UK. All our business operations and transactions are based in the UK.

We employ highly educated professionals who deliver professional services, and as such, we consider the risk of modern slavery and human trafficking in our company to be low.

Supply chain

Fluent takes a zero tolerance stance towards human trafficking and modern slavery in any part in our supply chain.  

We have reviewed our supply chain and believe the overall risk of modern slavery is low owing to:

  • The nature of the goods and services which we procure (mostly services, mostly skilled professions)
  • The locations from which we procure it (mostly in developed markets) 
  • Our procurement practices (for example, we agree to reasonable terms and ensure timely payment)
  • Our contracts with clients include terms which relate to our anti-human slavery stance and our right to terminate that contract should any supplier fail to meet our standards.

Our commitment to acting with honesty and integrity in all areas of our business is reflected in our internal policies and values.  

Our HR and Operations Playbook details the standards and behaviours we expect from our people and who employees should raise potential slavery or human trafficking issues with.  

As a small business we benefit from open and honest lines of communication between all members of staff, at all levels.