More than a pretty (inter) face

First we needed to define the user experience. We recognised that teachers using Cambridge Primary Maths come to the site with one of the following needs:

  • Some teachers use the CIE curriculum, and want support in planning their lessons.
  • Some teachers are looking for an appropriate classroom activity.
  • Some teachers are following a CUP textbook series, and want additional resources to supplement lessons.
  • Other teachers are investigating the CIE curriculum, and want to see how it works in action.

These needs informed the design of the website, so that we ended up with three clear user entry points:

  • Cambridge Primary curriculum
  • Textbooks and chapters
  • Classroom activities
Cambridge Primary Maths software gif by Fluent

Eureka moment

Bringing the content together under one virtual roof enabled us to look for ways we could enhance the offering by keeping teachers’ needs in plain sight.

We realised that no matter what a teacher entered the site looking for, they all had the same clear teaching goals in common.

Once we’d identified the common denominators, we were able to build a data model which allowed teachers to navigate to a textbook, activity or lesson plan AND discover other related content that would help them to achieve their desired learning outcome.

Leaving nothing to chance

To ensure a seamless experience for users of CIE’s existing website, our data model had to work on their content management system (CMS) - Tridion. Tridion uses Microsoft’s.NET platform, which also happens to be one of our specialties here at Fluent Towers.

Only once we’d tested the user journeys, checked the content and refined the data model, did we then transfer it onto the live content management system.

The final site was delivered in time to coincide with a new series of primary maths books published by CUP.

Another Cambridge Primary Maths software gif by Fluent

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