Charities and non-profits are amplifying reach with intuitive digital platforms
Create opportunities and build futures through digital impact.
How we can help
We understand that bringing people together for a positive cause takes planning. Your digital tools are no exception.
At Fluent, we've cultivated an agile team of digital experts who can provide your organisation with the direction and infrastructure to maximise impact. With innovative UX practices and clever software engineering, you can expect to see uplifts in donations and greater connections made between you and your supporters.
Over the last decade, we've supported a range of charities and community leaders achieve their ambitions. And you could be next!
See how we make it work
Young Enterprise: RAISE
A financial education app helping young adults to invest
A donations platform to raise funds for the education of females across Africa
Young Enterprise: Money Heroes
A financial education platform that guides kids towards better financial literacy
Slave-Free Alliance
A membership portal for businesses committed to a slave-free supply chain
A website to inspire care-leavers about higher and further education
Climate Governance Initiative
Mobilising global business leaders through climate education
What can we do for you?
Need support or consultancy for your development project? We’re Fluent in digital strategy, UX design, and software engineering.
Get our thoughts on charities and communities
We’re talking about the latest developments in the charity sector, and what they really mean for people.
Talk to us about making your mission possible
Fluent can turn your vision and inspiration into a tangible plan. Tell us how we can help you create a better world.